Chepy CLI

Chepy CLI is a fully dynamically generated cli that combines the power for python-fire and prompt_toolkit to create its cli. The cli is used very similar to how the main Chepy class is used as it allows for method chaining. We know from the docs that some of the methods in the Chepy class takes optional or required arguments. In the cli, these are passed as flags. Refer to the examples for use cases.

Using builtins

One of the more advanced functions of the cli allows the user to use arbitrary builtin methods when the state does not contain a Chepy object.

Consider this example in code. We will parse a User agent string in this case:

>>> ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36"
>>> c = Chepy(ua).parse_user_agent()
{'user_agent': {'family': 'Other', 'major': None, 'minor': None, 'patch': None}, 'os': {'family': 'Other', 'major': None, 'minor': None, 'patch': None, 'patch_minor': None}, 'device': {'family': 'Other', 'brand': None, 'model': None}, 'string': 'ua'}
# The state type currently is Chepy
>>> c.o
# The state type now is a dict
>>> c.get("user_agent").get("family")
# we are using the dict builtin method get to pull the values based on keys

This same behavior is replicated in the Chepy cli.

Cli only methods

For completeness sake everything is document here, but the only functions that are callable from the CLI are functions that start with cli_.