Chepy CLI

Chepy CLI is a fully dynamically generated cli that combines the power for python-fire and prompt_toolkit to create its cli. The cli is used very similar to how the main Chepy class is used as it allows for method chaining. We know from the docs that some of the methods in the Chepy class takes optional or required arguments. In the cli, these are passed as flags. Refer to the examples for use cases.

Cli options

usage: chepy [-h] [-v] [-r RECIPE] [data [data ...]]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -r RECIPE, --recipe RECIPE

Cli magic markers

There are three special characters in the cli.

  • ! If a line begins with ! it is interpreted as a shell command. For example: ! ls -la

  • # If a line begins with # it is interpreted as a comment. For example: # hello

  • ? If a line begins with ? it provides help for the provided Chepy method. For example: ? to_hex

Cli Recipes

The cli can be run in a non interactive mode using the -r flag. This flag will load the recipe that is supplied and run it on the arguments that is provided.

# Example
chepy -r test.recipe a.png

Using builtins

One of the more advanced functions of the cli allows the user to use arbitrary builtin methods when the state does not contain a Chepy object.

Consider this example in code. We will parse a User agent string in this case:

>>> ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36"
>>> c = Chepy(ua).parse_user_agent()
{'user_agent': {'family': 'Other', 'major': None, 'minor': None, 'patch': None}, 'os': {'family': 'Other', 'major': None, 'minor': None, 'patch': None, 'patch_minor': None}, 'device': {'family': 'Other', 'brand': None, 'model': None}, 'string': 'ua'}
# The state type currently is Chepy
>>> c.o
# The state type now is a dict
>>> c.get("user_agent").get("family")
# we are using the dict builtin method get to pull the values based on keys

This same behavior is replicated in the Chepy cli.


Cli only methods

For completeness sake everything is document here, but the only functions that are callable from the CLI are functions that start with cli_.

Cli shell commands

It is possible to run shell commands from the cli py starting the command with a !.

>>> !ls -la | grep py

This will run the following command inside the Chepy cli

class chepy.modules.internal.cli.CliCompleter
get_completions(document, complete_event)

This should be a generator that yields Completion instances.

If the generation of completions is something expensive (that takes a lot of time), consider wrapping this Completer class in a ThreadedCompleter. In that case, the completer algorithm runs in a background thread and completions will be displayed as soon as they arrive.

  • documentDocument instance.

  • complete_eventCompleteEvent instance.


Delete local history file

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_exit(fire: object)

Exit the cli


fire (object) – The fire object

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_get_attr(fire: object, attr: str)

Get attributes from current state type

  • fire (object) – The fire object

  • attr (str) – Required. A valid attr name

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_get_state(fire: object, index: int)

Change the current state

  • fire (object) – The fire object

  • index (int) – Required. The index for the state


Go back one step

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_highlight(fire: object, highlight: str)

Highlight regex match for cli

  • fire (object) – The fire object.

  • highlight (str) – Regex to highlight


Print the current plugin path

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_pretty_print(fire: object)

Pretty print the current state


fire (object) – The fire object

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_show_buffers(fire: object, pretty: bool = False)

Show all current buffers

  • fire (object) – The fire object

  • pretty (bool) – Pretty print output. Defaults to False

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_show_dict_keys(fire: object, pretty: bool = False)

Get the dict keys of the current state.

  • fire (object) – The fire object

  • pretty (bool) – Pretty print output. Defaults to False


Show the errors messages if any

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_show_length(fire: object)

Get the length of the current state.


fire (object) – The fire object

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_show_states(fire: object, pretty: bool = False)

Change the current state

  • fire (object) – The fire object

  • pretty (bool) – Pretty print output. Defaults to False

chepy.modules.internal.cli.cli_state_type(fire: object)

Get the current state type


fire (object) – The fire object


Get all the function names from this module

chepy.modules.internal.cli.get_doc(method: str)

Get docs for a method